Throughout the years of practicing skin care clients have regularly come in with complaints of skin imperfections like Spider Capillaries (aka spider veins), Cherry Angiomas, Milia, skin tags, sun spots and more. In the past many of these conditions would require a visit to the Dermatologist. Now, thanks to this advanced technology by ThermoClear, we can now treat these conditions in the studio and results can usually be achieved in just one visit. HOW DOES IT WORK? ThermoClear uses both low radio frequency and high radio frequency to treat the skin imperfections. Using a small wand, we apply the appropriate level of frequency directly to the top of skin imperfections, the current delivered from the machine dehydrates the area therefore clearing up the imperfection. Unlike going to the Dermatologist where they want to scrape and apply harsh chemicals, ThermoClear offers minimal discomfort. There is virtually no scabbing or down time after treatments and results are usually seen immediately. HOW OFTEN ARE TREATMENTS NEEDED? For many clients, one ThermoClear session is all it takes! Before that initial treatment, your Esthetician will check and determine whether a 15 minute session is sufficient. Sometimes, 2 or more sessions may be needed to complete the treatment. DOES IT HURT? A small probe is used to barely touch the skin which vaporizes and dries the affected area creating very small crusts that heal and flake off in 3 to 15 days. Clients describe their pain level as a 1-3 on a scale of 1-10 and like the sensation to a very quick stinging which dissipates quickly when the probe is lifted - the probe never pierces the skin. There’s a quick, minimal discomfort--a brief sting that only lasts a few seconds as each lesion is vaporized. AFTER TREATMENT CARE You may experience some mild irritation, redness, and crusting on the treated areas. While skin is healing, makeup can be applied to cover and camouflage any temporary imperfections. You will need to avoid direct sunlight immediately after the treatment--but it’s smart to be sun-safe all the time! Otherwise, you can resume normal activities after 24 hours. CONTRAINDICATIONS FOR THERMOCLEAR
PRICING & DESCRIPTION Teaser | $75 1-3 spots treated. Must be in the same area. Examples: Face is one area. Face & Arm is considered 2 areas. Small Area | $100 Up to 10 spots treated. Must be in the same area. Spider Capillaries: each cluster up to 1.5" diameter will be a small area and not as a spot. Nose is considered a small area and not a spot. Medium Area | $175 Up to 20 spots treated. Must be in same area. Spider Capillaries: each cluster up to 2.5" is considered a medium area. If you are getting your entire cheek done, it is considered a medium area. HOW DO I SCHEDULE A THERMOCLEAR TREATMENT? We offer online scheduling, for clients new to ThermoClear please book the ThermoClear Consult & Treatment. This gives us enough time to identify imperfections in need of treatment, discuss time & cost necessary to treat imperfections and review & sign paperwork.